
(Just one moment)

Don’t Stop The Beat!: dai nostri occhi. 15y Cronik – Mende, Francia (IT/FR)

In questi tempi di repressione e accanimento contro il mondo dei free party, si potrebbe pensare a prima vista che la comunità tekno italiana si sia disgregata e dispersa. Eppure, abbiamo dimostrato che non è così. Palese è l’idea che giustifica  la forza del movimento e di quanto sia sentito il bisogno di ballare. 
Guardando le ultime feste, è chiaro che siano così sentite da far convergere migliaia di persone.
Sono passati circa 6 anni dall’ultimo Don’t stop the beat. Per questa ultima edizione, ci siamo ritrovatx, per circa 3 giorni, in un altopiano vicino Mende, in Occitania, in più di 10mila raverz da tutta Europa, di cui ovviamente, considerate le tribe coinvolte, in gran parte italianx. Quasi a voler dimostrare che, indipendentemente dai km da percorrere, dal clima avverso, dalle provocazioni delle forze dell’ordine, c’è ancora un’intera comunità che aspetta e vuole trovare, sempre nuove occasioni per riunirsi e battere insieme i piedi sotto al soundsystem. 
Nulla è scontato, eppure anche questa è stata sicuramente una prova della vitalità del movimento e dell’importanza che i free party hanno per tuttx noi. 
Noi di Smash Repression abbiamo partecipato montando uno stand, di fianco all’area rdr allestita da Axess, portando i nostri contenuti: abbiamo parlato tanto, molto e spesso della situazione che stiamo vivendo in Italia, creando nuove connessioni, pensando e ragionando collettivamente su come stare in festa, su come autogestirci ma, sopratutto su come resistere e combattere la repressione, che è sempre più pressante. 
Abbiamo collaborato con Axess, per organizzare un dispositivo di riduzione dei rischi, offrendo materiale rdr, acqua e supporto a chi ne avesse bisogno, garantendo la nostra presenza fino alla fine del free.
Per noi è stata un’occasione importante, ci siamo ritrovati dopo tanto tempo con gran parte della comunità tekno italiana, per guardarci nuovamente in faccia e ballare insieme, ma soprattutto per fare rete tra noi e i raverz d’oltralpe, che già alla Plànete Zero avevano mostrato un grande interesse e una grande solidarietà verso la comunità dei free party italiani. 
Sull’organizzazione e la gestione della festa pensiamo che ogni crew coinvolta abbia dato il suo contributo. Sappiamo quanto sia complesso gestire numeri del genere, peraltro con un clima in più momenti ostile. 
Vogliamo ringraziare tutte le tribe e chiunque abbia contribuito all’organizzazione e alla gestione della festa, per lo sforzo fatto, per essersi impegnatx a risolvere collettivamente gli inevitabili problemi e per aver lasciato il posto pulito, secondo i principi di cura e autogestione fondamentali agli spazi liberati
Ringraziamo ancora Axess, che ha garantito la propria presenza fino alla domenica mattina e ci ha lasciato il materiale necessario a tutelarci fino alla fine della festa.
Sono stati giorni importanti, pesanti, emotivi, stupendi e hanno dato sicuramente una nuova spinta al movimento, permettendo di far ballare ancora una volta tutta la comunità. 
Purtroppo, anche stavolta l’infame dispositivo repressivo che da sempre viene dispiegato contro il mondo dei free party, con le sue becere pratiche di accanimento nei confronti delle tribe e dex raverz, non ha mancato di farsi sentire, nonostante le iniziali provocazioni della Gendarmerie si fossero rivelate inutili: quando siamo arrivatx sullo spot infatti, qualche zelante gendarme ha inscenato un ridicolo tentativo di impedire l’allestimento del sound, prontamente respinto da tutta la collettività, che in questo modo ha ribadito ancora una volta il nostro diritto di liberare e autogestire spazi e dare vita a feste libere, lontane, anzi lontanissime, dall’industria capitalizzata del divertimento. La situazione che stiamo vivendo non ha assopito la determinazione di creare attraverso la festa spazi di libertà.
Nella notte tra il 10 e l’11 giugno invece, dopo che tutti i sound sono stati spenti (circa all’una di notte), mentre qualche tribe rimaneva sullo spot per riportarlo allo stato naturale, due camion carichi di attrezzature sono usciti della festa. Di questi, uno è stato fermato dalle forze dell’ordine, che dopo aver interrogato alcunx membri delle crew, hanno sequestrato il mezzo portandolo in un deposito, e con esso tutta l’attrezzatura all’interno. Abusando del loro ruolo da padronx di potere, con violenza, non hanno avuto il minimo rispetto verso materiale e crew. 
Come Smash Repression, in quanto realtà nata per far fronte alla repressione del movimento free tekno, siamo convintx che la migliore arma in questi casi sia sempre la solidarietà e la radicalità delle lotte, per cui non possiamo non esprimere il nostro supporto verso chi viene ingiustamente punito per un atto legittimo e necessario. La repressione non ci stupisce e la rabbia si rinnova ad ogni sequestro e ad ogni denuncia.
Per questo, convintx della legittimità e dell’importanza del movimento free tekno, pensiamo che l’unica risposta, a questi tempi di becera e ingiustificata repressione, sia quella di continuare a creare nuovi spazi liberi e il più possibile safe, ritrovandoci sotto muri di casse sempre più grossi e potenti e difendendo, come abbiamo sempre fatto, i nostri spazi e le nostre idee.
Full support to Cronik – Oppression – Swamp – DWC – Torpedo – Loco Tribe – SNTK – VVF – CRVB — 03 — ITAT —

En ces temps de repression et d’acharnement contre le monde de la free, on pourrait penser à première vue que la communauté tekno Italienne s’est désintégré et dispersé. Or, nous avons montré que ce n’est pas le cas. Elle est claire l’idée qui justifie la force du mouvement, évident est aussi le besoin de danser… On peut s’en rendre compte en regardant les dernières fêtes libres qui ont vu converger des milliers d’Italiens.

Environ 6 ans sont passés depuis la dernière Don’t stop the beat, pour cette dernière édition on s’est retrouvés, pendant environ 3 jours, sur un champ d’éoliennes près de Mende,en Lozère, plus de 10000 teufeurs de toute l’Europe, principalement italiens,comme les sound system qui ont organisé la teuf.
Comme pour démontrer que, malgré les nombreux kilomètres, le clima et les provocations des forces de l’ordre, Il y a encore une grande communauté qui n’attend que de se réunir et taper du pied devant les sound systems.
Rien n’est donné, mais cela montre que le mouvement est encore vivant, et a quel point il est important pour nous tous.

Nous avons participé en tant que Smash Repression, on a monté un stand a côté de l’espace de RDR organisé par Axess, en ramenant nos contenus: nous avons beaucoup parlé,a beaucoup de personnes de la situation en Italie, en créant des connexions, en réfléchissant collectivement sur comment vivre nos teufs, sur comment nous autogérés, mais surtout sur comment résister et lutter contre une repression toujours plus pressante.
Nous avons collaboré avec Axess,pour réaliser un dispositif de réduction des risques, en distribuant du matériel de RDR, de l’eau et du support pour ceux qui en avaient besoin, en assurant notre présence jusqu’à la fin de la free.
Pour nous ça a été une occasion importante, on s’est retrouvé avec une grande partie de la scène tekno italienne, pour nous revoir,pour redanser ensemble,mais surtout pour creer du lien entre nous italiens et la communauté tekno française,qui elle, déjà a la Planète Zéro avait montré grand intérêt et beaucoup de solidarité a la situation italienne.

Sur l’organisation et la gestion de la fête nous pensons que chaque crew a contribué, nous savons à quel point il est compliqué de gérer des numéros du genre, en plus avec un climat par moment très difficile.
Nous tenons à remercier toutes les tribes et toutes les personnes qui ont contribué à l’organisation de la fête, pour les efforts qui ont été faits, pour s’être organisés pour essayer de résoudre tous les problèmes qui se sont présentés, et pour avoir laissé le spot propre malgré quelques dégradations aux éoliennes.
On remercie Axess qui ont été présents jusqu’au dimanche matin et nous ont laissé le matériel nécessaire pour qu’on puisse en distribuer jusqu’à la fin de la free.
Ça a été des jours importants, émouvants et qui ont donné nouvelle force au mouvement, en permettant de faire danser encore une fois toute la communauté.

Malheureusement, cette fois aussi l’infâme dispositif répressif qu’on connait bien a été déployé contre la free party, avec ses pratiques d’acharnement envers les orgas et le public.
Les provocations initiales de la gendarmerie se sont révélés inutiles: en effet a notre arrivée sur le spot quelques gendarmes ont ridiculement essayé de bloquer le montage de sound system. Tentative qui a bien évidemment été repoussé par les teufeurs sur place, qui ont encore une fois montré notre légitimité à libérer des espaces,les autogérés en créant des fêtes libres, qui n’ont rien a voir avec l’industrie capitalisé du divertissement.
La situation que nous sommes entrain de vivre n’a pas vaincu notre volonté de créer des espaces de liberté a travers la fête.

Cependant, dans la nuit entre le 10 et le 11 Juin, après que le sound system ait arrêté de tourner environ a 1 heure du matin, pendant que quelques crew restait sur le spot pour le nettoyer, deux camions remplis de matériel sortaient de la fête, un de ces deux a été arrêté par la gendarmerie qui après avoir interrogé les personnes présentes dans le véhicule, ont décidé de tout saisir en ramenant le camion dans un dépôt, en abusant de leur rôle de patrons du pouvoir, avec violence,ils n’ont montré aucun respect envers le matériel et les personnes.

Nous,Smash Repression, en tant que collectif créé pour affronter la répression du mouvement free tekno, nous sommes convaincus que la meilleure arme pour affronter cela soit la solidarité et la radicalisation des luttes, on ne peut que exprimer notre support envers ceux qui viennent injustement puni pour un acte légitime et nécessaire.

La repression nous étonne pas ,la rage se renouvelle a chaque plainte, a chaque saisie.
Pour cela,convaincus de la légitimité et de l’importance du mouvement free tekno , nous croyons que la seule réponse possible a cette injustifié repression soit continuer a créer plus d’espaces libres, en essayant de les rendres toujours plus safe, en nous retrouvons devant des murs de caissons toujours plus grands, toujours plus puissants, en défendant comme on l’a toujours fait, nos espaces et nos idées.

Full support to :
Cronik—Torpedo—Swamp—Opression—DWC—Loco Tribe—SNTK— VVF—CRVB—03— ITAT


Albaniatek 2023: A report from the Risk Reduction Group


We write this text as a report of Albaniatek 2023 to try to return the complexity of what happened in

the first week of the festival.


The fourth teknival was held in the same place as last year, the Vile-Bashtove beach, where there are

concentred tourist interests, whit beach resorts and bath-houses, some of them under construction.

Even before it began, it was expected that the festival would be much larger than previous years, and

it seemed that no-one had thought about harm reduction.


Face of the claim of some sound systems and many people who would be going to Teknival, Lab57

decided to make a broader call as possible in an effort to organize a Risk Reduction intervention, with

the collaboration of people from the “Smash Repression” network and friends/comrades who joined

us during the party, who were able to help in such cases.


We prefer to talk about Risk Reduction like the French teams, rather than Harm Reduction,

because we believe that harms are not necessarily present if appropriate practices are

implemented, embedding genres and context.


Our approach is not based on simple social assistance nor welfarism that medicalizes substance use

by treating those who use them such as patients to be cured, rather it attempts to empower all people

involved in the party, obviously helping those in need, but providing all the necessary informations

so that everyone is aware of what they decide to take and the consequences, thus stimulating

selfmanagement and self-regulation in substance use.


Also in the spirit of empowerment, we decided to distribute to the persons of all sound systems the

Risk Reduction Guidelines explaining our work in chill-out, the list of useful materials to have on

hand at each stage, first aid items and what to do in case of harassment. In addition, each sound

systems had phone numbers to call in case of emergency and a little number of persons on duty in the

chill-out area .


On September 1, once we arrived, we realized the dimensions that the teknival was taking on: more

than 15 soundwalls were erected on a very large area of the beach, at least 2.5 km long, due to the

work of more than 50 crews (Albanian, Italian, French, Spanish, Czech,Turkish, among others), and

around them a city-camp of at least 10 thousand people was being held, even into the pine forest

behind the beach, reaching up to 15-20 thousand people as its maximum.


We were also struck by the massive trash amount on the beach: the sea we crossed is a garbage dump,

as the rest of the Oceans, into which up to 12 million tons of plastic are dumped each year. garbage

we produce that accumulates on the sides of the road crossing the teknival We find local guys cleaning

up and differencing the garbage we produce and accumulate on the road sides with their bare hands,

just for a few leks per day.

Although some people from the sounds have made efforts to try to clean up the place as much as

possible, it seems to us that the basic principle of Temporary Autonomous Zones of caring for the

place, regenerating it after leaving it clean, has been lacking.


As we walked through the party, we realize that very few local people were participating. But maybe

that is a thought that doesn’t really even cross our minds, because we were not building the party for

them as well. We tried to “redemption” ourselves by saying that we are bringing them money and

they were so kind, end even spoke our language. Perhaps we do not remember one of the concealed

and forgotten pages of colonialism: in 1939 the Italian fascist government occupied Albania,

remaining there until the armistice in 1943-a presence already inaugurated in the 1920s.

While repression crushes party people in Italy, for the fourth year the eastern tour of many raving

crews ends in Albania..


The privilege of being able to enjoy ourselves in a poorer area without running into the risks we

would have encountered elsewhere in Europe was being felt, and the question we are asking is about

the redistribution of the resources we have.

In the festivals we would like, to make connections with the territory is a key node. In building

these temporary autonomous zones, we want to be in touch with the past and present of the places

in which we dance, to create together moments of real sharing.

Within the festival there are also those who have offered moments of exchange and cultural

interpenetration: this was the case with the Melting Pot project, which hosted one of the most beautiful

moments of the entire Teknival. During the evening of September 1, we witnessed Albanian isopolyphonic

songs (here is a video of a 2014 performance by the Violinat E Lapardhase choir

These kinds of precious moments should be implemented, to relate sincerely with people and try

together to build something. What are the desires and needs of those who live in these places? What

are the critical issues that arise in front of a party of this size in such a context?

The Teknival was very dispersive, taking more than 20 minutes to walk it from one end to the other.

Thanks to the crucial support of the Melting Pot stage, we mounted the chill-out zone almost in the

half way.

Despite the difficulties we realized early on that the presence of the chill-out has become a point

of reference for people going through the Teknival, having made available:

– free water, food and juice;

– multi-lingual information materials on substances, harm reduction practices, and consent;

– health materials such as breathalyzer, condoms, clean snorting materials, etc;

– Free Drug-checking (substance analysis) 24h service;

– A chill-out area for resting and sleeping;

– a small first aid site with two doctors and basic medicines.

– help for people in trouble due to substance use or because of aggression or gender-based


These interventions proved to be very important. In these 7 days hundreds of people came to us

and we managed to avoid at least 20 hospitalizations for substance use and at least 3 very critical

interventions fortunately without consequences (2 seizures and an heart attack). We also treated

dozens of accidental injuriesa and fractures, and supported at least a dozen people in Bad Trip.

During the fifth day of the party, a group of people come to us reporting a particularly frightful rape

case that occurred the night before. At the same time we learnt of another rape.

Through their friends we offered support to people in case they wanted to talk to us and at the same

time we decided with them to write signs to put up close to the sounds. We called for a meeting in

the afternoon to build the materials, in which many people joined, including some who took part in

organizing the Teknival.

A spontaneous assembly was then formed, as the news of the violence spreaded like wildfire in the

meantime. During this first assembly another girl would tell of being harassed by some Italian men

as she moved from one sound to another.

One tried to figure out how to react to the situation: we were faced with some people- the masculine

plural is not accidental- who tried to question whether the violence really happened, demanding

evidence and trying to downplay the seriousness of the situation, while fortunately so many people

actively tried to find solutions in order to not allow the reproduction of that violent dynamics in the

party itself.

According to some people, the best thing would be to stop immediately and to break up, other were

agree to continue. By this time, however, it was 7 p.m., and it was felt that shutting down at any

moment was not a good idea. Therefore, some strategies were realized : those who were present from

the crews committed themselves to illuminate as much as possible the areas around the sounds; a

group of people write on posters a message translated into at least 7 languages that would be hung in

each sound; an audio version of this message is also made, which some walls broadcasting it.

To those claiming that this has “total paranoia,” we replied that the only thing that should scare us is

the attempt to silence violence in the name of a celebration that must necessarily continue.

Some of us who participated in the Risk Reduction set up a distro with materials centered on gender

issues, like fanzines among others that ranged from restitution of struggles to reflections on the

relationships we built, but also on violence itself, its structural nature and the strategies putted in place

to deal with it.

We make an appointment for the next day to assess whether the practices put in place had worked,

finding ourselves in a much better attended assembly than the previous one (at least 200 people),

during which all the sounds go out for a few hours to allow it to continue as best as possible. More

girls told about harassment and the rapes rise to three. We were again confronted with males trying

to deny what is happening in order that the party would continue “undisturbed”. For many people

instead the only thing to do at that point is to turn it off. Some crews didn’t want to do so and say

they want to stay until 10th (the originally set closing date), while others decided that they would shut

down, disassemble, and leave the area the next day. We were still faced with another night.

The discussion goes on for hours: many people begin to argue that the violence comes exclusively

from people sneaked into the party on that purpose, from Albanian locals arriving in the evening by

car. And we found ourselves listening to an old tune: “we must defend our women.” We are familiar

with these narratives: the so-called “black danger” was a key weapon in historical colonialism, a

weapon that continues to this day, enabling racially motivated violence through the reproduction of

the patriarchal idea of women as helpless subjects in need of a man’s protection.

One wonders, too, whether the party would have stopped if the first case of violence had not had such

heinous features. A good portion of people present at the assembly rejected the racist and monstrous

narrative proposed by some. Many reasoned instead about how easy it is to reproduce a patriarchal

world even in free-parties. We know well that the one who acts violence is not a monster, a raver, a

junkie, an Albanian or a mad-man: the one who rapes is a man.

The proposals were very different, some would end up being further violent. It was decided to form

groups, so-called team-care ones, to go around the entire party to provide roving garrisons of care in

case there were lonely people in need, someone provides walkie-talkies, and shifts were arranged

throughout the night. It was reiterated repeatedly that no escalation of violence should be created (and

it has been). Small safer zones were also created close to each sound, and all crews take responsibility

for being focal points for those in need.

Team-care worked: in addition to providing great support to the RoR by reporting people in need,

they defused several situations of gender-based and racist violence that were occurring against

Albanian people in a completely arbitrary manner.

Some girls begin to draw “X’ on visible parts of their bodies, a practice that takes its cue from the

colorful zip ties used as recognition in the streets by the feminist “Ni Una Menos” movement.

We are aware of the partiality of some practices adopted but we believe that no-one of us have

solutions in our mind, replicable in every context: we believe in the power that is built collectively,

being in contact with contradictions and issues that arise in processes.

Because gender violence, as well as racial violence, is structural, we do not presume to feel outside

the problem, but instead seek to be in contact with it: we want to relate to it, taking into account the

positions of each one.

It is precisely for this reason that the community care practices we built have centrality, without

lapsing into welfarism and delegation, but oriented toward active and widespread participation from

a self-management perspective that takes into account human, non-human (even dogs are part of our

communities!) and place.

Whether it is about risk reduction related to substances, gender-based violence, racially motivated

violence, or caring for the places we pass through our gaze is intersectional. The party for us is a

time to experiment with a way of building a different world, where we try to live in freedom, making

place for joy and not capitalist productivism, without reproducing the multiple forms of violence on

which the society we live in is built.

The next day, September 7, as we previously decided, we disassemble the chillout and leave. With

us most part of the sounds disassemblee and leave.

In the meantime, that avalanche of misinformation has now begun, getting bigger and bigger and is

made worse by warnings on social media. Some speak of settling of scores, organized armed gangs

waiting for ravers at the exit of the party. We go out in great tranquility, without encountering anyone.

Here is where our report stops. The crews that remained with the last active stages continued the party

and started to break away from 10/09, the last sound went out on September 12.

Upon returning to Italy, we thought we would devote ourselves to this text immediately, but we were

slowly joined by more and more voices denying the violence.

“Where is the evidence? And then who are these girls? It was a collective paranoia.”

We come to read increasingly problematic comments and proposals. Some argue that Albanian people

should not have even approached the area, or that the violences were all fake news.

It makes us very sad to see how easily violence is denied or downplayed to defend the “reputation”

of the party rather than questioning and proposing with respect to the practices experienced; it makes

us angry to see how easily violence is disbelieved because the people who experienced it did not give

a detailed account of it to some people who think they have authority in an anti-authoritarian context

such as a party (and who then demand to the cops to make sure there are no complaints!).

On the other hand, it is crucial for us to report what happened: we had never seen a Teknival stopping

and the creation of spontaneous assemblies after gender-based violence.

The party is not only made by the crews who organize and bring the sound, it is made also by

all the people who participate and dance in front of those speakers.

We want to dance free from violence.

We also want our parties to be places in which we take care one to each other

Tekno Anti-Rep: solidarietà oltralpe, contro la repressione dei free-party

Sabato 13 Aprile 2024 in oltre 15 città francesi centinaia di migliaia di persone, assieme a centinaia di crew si sono riunite e hanno sfilato, ballato e protestato lungo le strade contro la sistematica e invadente repressione messa in campo contro i free-party e la libertà di espressione. Come successo durante il recente TekWest, dove peraltro si sono registrati ingenti sequestri di sound system a termine del rave-party anti-repressione, non son o mancate manifestazioni di vicinanza e solidarietà con il mondo underground tekno italiano, l’ingiustiza e la durezza della legge che vediamo sotto i nostri occhi da oramai un anno e mezzo.

Qui alleghiamo un video girato durante la Mani-feSt(e)ve a Parigi, e la relativa traduzione in italiano:

“Dopo ottobre 2022, Giorgia Meloni e il suo governo fascista hanno messo in atto il decreto 633bis, un decreto che criminalizza gli organizzatori dei free party e i loro partecipanti attribuendo pene fino a 6 anni di reclusione e 10000 euro di multa.

Questa legge surreale mette in pericolo le nostre libertà in quanto esseri umani, le nostre libertà di festeggiare e di raggrupparci ed evadere da questo sistema triste e autoritario il tempo di un fine settimana.

Svegliamoci compas! Da quando festeggiare è un crimine?
Non lasciamo che nessun politico faccia marcire le nostre libertà e scandire i ritmi delle nostre vite!
Impediamo al cancro fascista di espandersi come la peste!

Continuamo a raggrupparci per vivere le nostre feste!

Continuamo a montare sound!

Continuamo a riappropriarci degli spazi lasciati all’abbandono!

Continuamo a far vivere questo movimento che abolisce le barriere sociali e gerarchiche rendendoci tutt uguali!
Perché è nell’eguaglianza che prolifera la cultura.
Possono reprimerci in Italia,in Francia o da qualunque altra parte, ma non smetteremo di festeggiare, perché siamo un unica tribù e la vostra repressione non fa altro che unirci ancora di più!

Lunga vita ai free party!”